Welcome to the Mount Calvary Haiti Mission Trip Blog!

Please join us in spirit on our journey to Haiti, as we share our activities, thoughts, and pictures of our daily activities.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Saturday, June 26th--Day 4

Plans for today:
Visit Prayer Rock, then go to a local outdoor market, visit one of the orphanages that Mission Lifeline supports, then come back to the village to complete the work we started yesterday.

Today, things went as planned!

At Prayer Rock, we focused prayers on Don and his mother, to give them support and strength to cary on their mission here. It was a powerful moment that started the day out well.

Prayer Rock

The market was another experience entirely.
It outdoors, near the center of Arcahaie, a local town, and really quite close to the ocean. But, the aromas at this market weren't quite the nice sea breeze smells that we are used to! This was a true 3rd world market--everything outside, including the meat and fresh (?) seafood. It was very hot, very cramped, and very crowded. It was difficult to realize that these people live their life this way every day, and this is their only way to try to survive. We left feely hot and tired, and welcomed the opportunity to visit the orphanage.
Near the market, the Bercy Orphanage was another powerful experience. As we visited the single-building children's home, we were soon surrounded by the children who lived their (which included a 2-month old child who was given up by her mother, and just dropped off by her father. These children needed love and affection deeply, and grabbed our hands, and jumped into our arms. We played games and took pictures, but mostly just held these beautiful children who need so much love. Leaving was so sad--these children who, just minutes ago were showering us with affection, and receiving it from us, didn't even wave goodbye. They were so sad and heart-broken to see us leave, that they just stared as we drove away. Words can't really describe the mixed emotions this visit brought to us.

Genny sharing some hugs at the orphanage

This afternoon, we finished the filtration buckets, the 2nd coat (about 4 more to go!) of paint on one of the buildings, and the benches for the school.

Our meal, a home-made Haitian meal prepared by the village cooks, was so tasty! Haitian chicken, spicy cole-slaw, corn and pea salad, fresh tomato/sea cress lettuce salad, rice and beans, beets, goat, fried plantains, and fresh pineapple....what a way to end day 4!!

Dancing at the orphanage!!


  1. The blog is wonderful. You all are practicing Christianity in action, and the experiences you've already have had are amazing (and scary!). I am thinking of you all constantly and praying for you and all the Haitian people. Please know that you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. What an experience you all are having bringing your gifts to this part of the world. I will have a different feeling when I breeze into a super market after reading today's blog. Genny, your sweet smile must bring light into the hearts of those kids you see. Be safe and God's love.
    Ruth Jackson

  3. Thanks so much for the updates, they are wonderful. Know that you are all being prayed for daily and we are very proud of what you are doing. I know lives are being changed and the love of Jesus is alive and well in all of you.

  4. We are all following your progress with awe and inspiration as you bring some hope to the Hatian people that have suffered so greatly. Good luck as you finish up your week's work, and God Speed as you return to the land that God has blessed so richly. p.s. The Twins are no longer in first place.
    -- Dave Jackson
